I will not be discouraged, but rather go with confidence to you, the throne of grace. This miraculous defeat broke the back . 1. A man and a woman had both taken part in the degradation of our race; they must both have part in its restoration. | Irondale, AL 35210 |. 2. Decorate your table with colorful flowers . Never were you guilty of the least fault; never did you offer the least resistance to grace. Alone of all the children of Adam, you were gifted with the fullness of sanctifying grace which made you the object of a very special love on the part of God. They beheld the dwelling place prepared for the Son of God. For the first time after four thousand years God in His Wisdom and power and love, created again a human being in that state in which He had created our first parents. Mary, My Mother, I beg you to aid me in being watchful over myself, guarding my exterior and interior senses, avoiding all outward haste and inward passion, trying to make a virtuous action of everything I do, and by talking to God frequently in prayer. Fill their hearts with the virtues of joyous zeal for God and for souls and a warm love for divine learning. Our present century, the 19 th, has had the happiness of seeing another Pontiff, also named Pius, institute a Feast under this same titlea Feast which is intended to commemorate the Help bestowed on Christendom, and in all ages, by the Mother of God. Be pleased to lead mankind securely to certain victory over Communism through the triumph of your Immaculate Heart as you promised at Fatima: "In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph and an era of peace will be conceded to humanity.". But your holiness is so great, that the power of your intercession is greater than that of all the other saints. Indeed, I will suffer with joy if I realize that Christ is suffering with me and in me and that He sends me the cross only to trace His image in my soul by uniting me closely with Himself. Sanctifying grace made you God's adopted child and the lawful heir to His eternal kingdom, putting you in possession of God's goods and of God Himself forever. Your willingness to suffer and to bear your cross in imitation of His own resignation to the will of God, made you especially dear to Him. I beg you to make me strong enough to bear my trials for the love of God so that I may become like you in suffering. You are my Queen, my Lady. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Queen of the Apostles because you were the source of their inspiration and zeal. Feast, Saturday before the 3rd Sunday of November (Triduum, Wednesday the 3rd Sunday of before November). In Bethlehem you first adored Him in His visible presence as He lay in all His helplessness before your joyful eyes. Jesus exhausted His love for man also. He ordered most perfectly His whole creation, for He is the true fountain and highest source of light and wisdom. He was with you, and with you alone, in an unspeakable manner by bodily presence. Because you were full of God's grace and a Virgin most pure, Gabriel could exclaim, "You have found grace with God." Note: This prayer was approved and enriched with an indulgence of five hundred days by Pope Pius X at all audience held on August 18, 1908, and was included in the official edition of approved indulgenced prayers (1950). Satan is more humiliated at seeing himself under the heel of the lowliest of creatures than at feeling himself crushed by God's almighty arm. Thus you became in some way the source of that grace which Jesus would pour forth over all mankind. 2. The presentation of the Child Jesus in the temple was like the Offertory, for you offered to the Heavenly Father this "material" for the sacrificethe body and blood of your little Son. Your Divine Son was destined to crush the serpent's head by releasing mankind from the slavery of Satan, thus putting an end to the empire of sin. Mary, My Mother, I turn to you rather for health of soul than of body. He wanted the strengthening of the faith of His disciples and the manifestation of His Divinity to depend upon your prayers. Mary, My Mother, your intercession is all-powerful. Who can describe the merits and graces that adorned your soul at the glorious instant of your Nativity at a period when all other children have no merit! I give you my will by an absolute confidence in you, a confidence founded on your power and your goodness. Clothe me with your own humility. All your privileges increased your power to love God. I beg you to pray for me that by the light of the Holy Spirit and your direction, I may see my duty, and by God's grace and your help I may fulfill it. August 9: OUR LADY OF THE BURNING CLOUD (ATOM BOMB) On Thursday, August 9, 1945, a blinding flash split the sky above Nagasaki. In doing so you uttered the most gracious act of humility that ever fell from human lips, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word." It was fitting that you, a Virgin Mother, should conceive the Man Who was also the Son of God. Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Online Saints & Angels Facts Feastday: December 12 Patron: of the Americas Author and Publisher - Catholic Online Printable Catholic Saints PDFs Shop Our Lady of Guadalupe An elder Mexican man makes his way to Mass in the early morning twilight of December 9, 1531. With Christ you have contributed to our redemption; hence you may be called Co-Redemptrix. You are the Virgin to whom God the Father decreed to give His only Sonthe Divine Word, equal with Himself in all thingsthat entering the natural order He might become your Son as well as His. In the . You consented to be the Mother of the Redeemer at the Annunciation, and thus you were willing to share in the sufferings of the Redeemer. Continue to work wonders on our shores for our spiritual and material prosperity and keep us in peace and charity. God had exalted you above all creatures. Even if I have committed all possible sins, let me never lose confidence in you, for I know I shall always find your Heart filled with mercy The Son of God has His justice, but you, the Mother, have only your mercy. In 1668 the feast in honor of the Seven Dolors was set for the Sunday after September 14, the Feast of the Holy Cross. In that instant the Word of God became forever united to humanity; the human soul of Jesus Christ, produced from nothing, began to enjoy God and to know all things past, present, and to come. Mary, My Mother, the saints have taught me that the best veneration of you is always imitation. Your life with Jesus was one of the purest, most fervent, most perfect emotions of love to God, whom you sheltered within yourself. The Archangel Gabriel expressed this very clearly: "Hail, full of grace"there was no room left for sin; "the Lord is with thee"where God dwells, Satan can have no rights; "blessed art thou among women"you were elevated above all other women in the world. Though you felt joy in the birth of your first-born Son, you brought us forth in sorrow at the death of that same Son. Never did a mother love her son as you loved Jesus; and so never did a mother share in her son's agony so deeply as you shared the Passion. Your body, which was the living tabernacle of the Eternal God and the temple of the Adorable Trinity, was not meant to crumble into dust. It has been reproduced many times in copies and in book illustrations. Only then can I really love you as you desirewhen Jesus is formed in me so that I can love you as Jesus does. "The altar was designed by Mr. W. J. Devlin and executed by the well-known firm of Boulton of Cheltenham. St. Joan of Arc Feast Day May 30. - Our Lady of Compassion | Facebook Don Joslike the good Samaritansaw the lady, was filled with compassion . How earnestly, too, you want to help us in all our needs! You, who were yourself the Queen of Prophets, saw that from that moment "the sword of sorrow" would enter your soul and remain there during the rest of your days. With your arms outstretchedthose arms in which the Eternal God delighted to rest when He became our Brotherplead our cause. The supernatural life is the life of Jesus in us through grace. There is no more intimate bodily union than that of mother and child, for they are one life, one heart-beat sustaining the life of both. Mary, My Mother, the Heart of Jesus was a generous Heart, symbolized by the wound in His side from which came forth the last drops of His Heart's Blood shed for us, and by which w e can reach the treasures of that Divine Heart. The story of Our Lady of Guadalupe December 12th is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Mary, Mother of God, your Heart is a counterpart of the Heart of Jesus. As the God-man, Jesus is the perfect Mediator between God and man, because He alone could in all justice merit our reconciliation with God as well as the graces which God would impart after the reconciliation. The angel said to you, "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women" (Luke 1 28). Even before His coming your Heart was filled with love for those whom later He was to love with a tremendous love. God had raised you to the highest dignity in His power in choosing you to be the Mother of His Son. 3. As I gaze upon youthe ideal of perfection and sanctity, may a similar longing for God and complete dedication of myself to Him awaken in my soul. Coming from the Latin words cum and patior, compassion means to suffer. That very same Christ is mine in the Holy Eucharist when I look upon Him as a Victim on our altars, when I kneel before Him as my Friend in the Tabernacle; when I receive Him into my soul as my Guest in Holy Communion. I regard that dominion as a shining star lighting and guiding my life. In your motherhood you would need protection and so would the Child in His infancy. You are called the Mother of Mercy because God has given you power to deal with every sort of misery to which mankind is subjected. Blessed are they whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the LORD. What a beautiful example for parents to imitate! You died of no infirmity. The gift that God conferred upon you when He chose you to be the Mother of His Divine Son, and the grace that was in proportion to that gift, are beyond the understanding of men and even angels. Teach me to imitate your prudence and listen to your counsel in all walks of life. You brought me forth spiritually to a new life of grace. If at any time you had been without Divine grace even for the shortest moment, there would not have come between you and the serpent that everlasting enmity spoken of by God. Coming from the Latin words cum and patior, compassion means to suffer. He works in my soul by His grace. How much I worry about my physical health! Saints Stories for All Ages Our Lady of Guadalupe Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day December 12 Printer Friendly On December 9, 1531, a 57-year-old Aztec, Juan Diego, saw the Blessed Mother on a hill in Mexico City. How God has loved you by making you His Mother! Gazing sorrowfully on His lifeless body, you watched the soldier drive the spear into His Heart. 1. Though the designs of God were unknown to you, you, nevertheless, detached your heart from the world in order to give all your love to God. You truly deserve to be called the Mediatrix of Grace. On the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes, 28 First Holy Communion students received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. You were indeed two of one heart and one soul.
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