Grand York Rite Bodies of Florida of Florida R.E. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers. "- As Masons, our dedication shows us that committing to a cause can offset our fears and empower us beyond our imagination." ", "- As Masons, we must believe in our own vision in order to create. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM The more knowledge acquired, the better understanding we have of Masonry! 2023 York Rite Grand Sessions Grand Sessions Registration Member Name (Required) First Last Lady's / Guest's Name First Title Mailing Address (Required) Street Address City State ZIP Code Email (Required) Phone Registration Fee (Oklahoma members only): Price: $20.00 Quantity Knowledge is power! Councils have charge of and promote detached degrees, some of which, many years ago, were conferred under Craft warrants and formed part of . "- As Masons, we are reminded that working on our own personal development is the first step to shifting the world around us. ", "- Perhaps the most universally sacred virtue, love is most valuable when it is practiced purely and with no expectation of reward. Remember, that curiosity is a sign of respect, and indicates a willingness to learn, and grow, from the presence of outside perspectives. "- As Masons, we should make decisions based on our insight and instincts, and not let fear derail your goals. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM He who is not satisfied with a little, is satisfied with nothing. ", "As Masons, we should understand that grief is a heavy emotion to bear, but the ability to feel a deep loss means we also experienced a profound sense of love. Location; Meetings / Updates; Facebook. 2023-03-04 & 11 District 02/03 Spring Festival 2023-04-09 Grand Encampment Easter Observance York Rite Masonry, which takes its name from the old English city of York, dates back 1744 in the U.K., has been described as the oldest and purest of the Rites. ", "- As Masons, it doesn't matter if we can't dance as good as others or even dance at all we just need to let go of our inhibitions and experience the joy of moving to the music. Patience is a necessary ingredient of genius. ", "- Only through the acceptance of the present can we begin to overcome those negative feelings and enjoy wherever life has taken us, as if it had been our preferred path all along. If youre willing to face what scares you, it will broaden your world. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM St. Peteersburg Rite Bodies. Never get tired of doing the little things for others. You can have as much determination as you want, but to reach your goals you also must take the difficult step of acting on that will." Hard times are not permanent, and holding on to hope that this, too, shall pass, is what gives us strength to get through them. Garry M. Paxinos. "- Only through the acceptance of the present can we begin to overcome those negative feelings and enjoy wherever life has taken us, as if it had been our preferred path all along. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM A person without an imagination is like a teabag without water. ", "- As Masons, we understand that family history is crucial in shaping ones identity. In fact, its often when we push past that initial resistance that we stumble upon something truly wondrous." Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM We should inspire them with the determination to overcome it. ", "- As Masons, we should be consistently recognizing and accepting challenges, to learn more light. "- As Masons, we frequently tend to draw a line between the virtues of faith and reason. Letting go of our expectations may lead to an even better outcome than what we thought we wanted." York Rite Charities. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Remember, that every problem has more than one solution and by changing our perspective, something that appears as a roadblock may provide a path forward. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Right Eminent Grand Commander. "- When we are going through our darkest days, hope is the little ray of light that reminds us there are brighter times ahead. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Honesty breeds creativity, but we must tell all truths, including the unpleasant ones. "- As many of us know, fear is often the greatest roadblock to our happiness and inner peace. "- The message of modern culture often centers around doing more: getting more likes, buying more things, consuming more content, making more money. "- As Masons, we are reminded that while virtue and discipline are important, it is just as necessary to find lightness, humor, and silliness in life. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". In loosening our grip on a situation, we can also release the fear that surrounds it, making way for the calm that comes from acceptance. Freedom is something that dies unless its used. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM ", "- As Masons, if we can pursue true happiness, and seek to bring joy to others as well, we can celebrate a life well-lived. Courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing point. Exploring new fields and skills will only create a richer life." We should inspire them with the determination to overcome it. 50 Royal Arch Masons Visit Fort Myers Council No.25 Cryptic Masons Visit Fort Myers Commandery No. ", "- As Masons, we understand that it doesnt matter what you do in life; what matters is striving for excellence in any task, big or small, because the effort itself can be the greatest reward. District 2: Manatee York Rite Bodies. The York Rite is one of the appendant bodies of Freemasonry. Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, F. & A. M. of Florida Grand York Rite of Florida Orient of Florida, Scottish Rite Valley of Jacksonville, Scottish Rite Shriners International Grottos of North America Supreme Forest, Tall Cedars of Lebanon of North America Florida Association, High Twelve International Grand Chapter of Florida, Order of the Eastern Star Grand Court Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Email: Jeffrey T. Sklet. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how. "- As Masons, we should understand that failure is just as important as success. ", "- It is in times of need, distress, and reckoning that Masons rise to the occasion and act. Home 2023 February. ", "- As Masons, we need to encourage self-compassion as the first step to changing our perspective. ", "- Misfortunes may not resemble our modern plights, even our worst circumstances can hold the possibility of good: Often, it is when we reach rock bottom that we are able to start changing our lives. 35 Knights Templar. Walls turned sideways are bridges Idaho - Grand Council Cryptic Masons of Idaho. "- As Masons, we are reminded to balance our passions with a level head: Marrying drive with patience and diligence remains the best way to move toward our goals." ", "As Masons, our commitment to our work encourage us to be patient with our ambitions, giving each step the attention it needs so that we can continue to grow. "- As Masons, we are reminded that fear can blind us to the reality in front of us, and we can achieve great things by not letting fear win." "- Only through the acceptance of the present can we begin to overcome those negative feelings and enjoy wherever life has taken us, as if it had been our preferred path all along. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM "- Misfortunes may not resemble our modern plights, even our worst circumstances can hold the possibility of good: Often, it is when we reach rock bottom that we are able to start changing our lives." ", "- As Masons, there is nothing more valuable to an organization than when the people in positions of power can humble themselves enough to listen, learn, and digest new information. Fort Myers York Rite Bodies. Dont try to lessen yourself for the world; let the world catch up to you. Get more active in your lodge and district. ", "- You can do anything you decide to do. There is only one success to be able to spend your life in your own way. The document now in the hands of the lodges contains a number of minor changes, and the new assessment rates. 37 Cryptic Masons. No matter how lofty our plans may be, they make little impact if we dont eventually act on them. ", "- As Masons, we are reminded that fear can blind us to the reality in front of us, and we can achieve great things by not letting fear win. Location: Van Nuys<br>Retail Supervisor Contribute to our mission to improve Health and Wellness in your community. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Always remember: Silence and smile are two very powerful tools. "- As Masons, our commitment to equal rights and representation encourages us to stand up for our own beliefs and values, and to never let society or other people diminish our sense of self-worth." He demitted to the Panama . "- Rather than relying on quick shortcuts, clever tricks, or corner-cutting, as Masons we should practice the virtues of patience and determination as we pursue our goals and dreams. ", "- As Masons, we should understand that "abundance need not be measured by the amount of money or things we amass in our lifetime, but rather by the amount of passion, love, and joy we feel. ", "- As Masons, we need to understand that people who are true to themselves leave the strongest imprints on the world. "- As Masons, our collective fear of straying from popular wisdom can limit forward progress for us and society at large. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. Saying yes to opportunities is how you learn more about what Masonry truly is and what it can do for you! ", "- As Masons, we are reminded that not every road is laid out for us, we must believe we can move forward together before taking the first step. The process is its own reward. OUR OFFICIAL WEB SITE Since August 25, 1997. "- As Masons, we should understand that "abundance need not be measured by the amount of money or things we amass in our lifetime, but rather by the amount of passion, love, and joy we feel. The York Rite is one of the appendant bodies of Freemasonry. ", "- As Masons, we should be mindful of the present, time can slip past us without our awareness. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Charity lies at the very foundation of Freemasonry. ", "- As Masons, we should sing the praises of anyone who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, fervently dismissing those who stand back and critique the efforts of people attempting to do something difficult. We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. "- As Masons, we understand that family history is crucial in shaping ones identity. Your purpose is to provide direction w needed and be an ongoing example of superior customer service.<br . ", "- As Masons, we should value the importance of staying true ourselves, even or especially if that makes you stand apart from the crowd. Remember Brothers, experience is earned, not bought!" Nothing in life is to be feared. Dont try to figure out what other people want to hear from you; figure out what you have to say. "As Masons, we should understand that grief is a heavy emotion to bear, but the ability to feel a deep loss means we also experienced a profound sense of love. Letting go of our expectations may lead to an even better outcome than what we thought we wanted. What do we live for, if not to make life less difficult for each other? Through the pain, the sorrow can serve as a reminder of the indelible impact that those we cherish have on our lives. "Its more fulfilling to give as much as you can becoming a person of value than to take what you can to become a person of "success"." ", "Starting something new be it a Masonic project, a relationship, or a major life change can bring up many questions and doubts. In fact, often what limits us is not the obstacles in our path but the fears and doubts that stop us from dreaming big in the first place. ", "- As Masons, we should practice that hope and positive thinking are the only productive responses to failure. ", "- In a go-getter society that prizes prodigy and speed, it can be daunting to go back to the drawing board to pursue a new goal. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM ", "- As Masons, we understand that no experience exists in a vacuum. ", "- As Masons, we should continually strive to reach our best selves. ", "- As Masons, we understand that the path through life is not a straight line, and neither is the road to change; it is human nature to make progress in increments, as our beliefs are challenged, reconstructed, and transformed over time. We need to understand that by putting the needs of those under your care above your own, you can better serve them and if you know how to serve them better, you will become a better leader." Only by not forgetting the past can we be the master of the future. As Masons, helping others especially those in need is the path toward a fulfilled life. We need to use our time here wisely! ", "- As Masons, we should always be there for those in need, but giving at a random moment to someone and watching their joy, is what we're all about! The building of King Solomon's Temple - Craft Masonry The repairs by King Josiah - Irish Royal Arch Masonry The building of the second Temple by Zerubabbel after the return of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin from their 70 years of Captivity in Babylon circa 536 B.C.E. As Masons, putting someone's needs before ours is the backbone of our fraternity!" "- As Masons, we understand that no one has all the answers, and pretending otherwise will get you into trouble. There is in the worst of fortune the best of chances for a happy change. Life is a collection of moments. Learning never exhausts the mind Life is made of ever so many partings welded together. I change myself, I change the world. ", "- A smile is the way to solve many problems and a silence is the way to avoid many problems. As Masons, we are reminded to treat everything including the ordinary things with gratitude." "- As Masons, we are reminded that leaders make the most impact when they listen to the people around them, try to find common ground, and lift up those who need it most." Optimism is a perfectly legitimate response to failure. Eminent Grand Generalissimo. ", "The best human trait is a modest and unassuming nature, which enables us to listen well, form unexpected bonds, and learn from others. We restore ourselves when were alone. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM We can all benefit from looking inward and questioning whether our inherent ways of thinking are serving ourselves and others." Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. "- People are unique in their own ways, and as such, show love in different ways. Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt. William Shakespeare. Clinging too closely to what we know can obscure the vastness of what we still have yet to learn. Vacaville Commandery No. dragon ball fusion generator super saiyan 5 code. 32 Knight Templars Visit Meet Our Leadership The Leadership of Fort Myers York Rite that are dedicated to our members Excellent High Priest Ray Brownlee Illustrious Master However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light. Sheldon Arpad. Masonry gives you the tools and paths to make yourself a better Man, if you allow it to! We assert that logic can often get in the way of the cultivation of faith, whether in a deity or the belief in an idea or person. We must believe that we are gifted for something. Though family can be complicated, those ties can tell us plenty about ourselves and where we want to go from here. Its rarely easy, but we can take comfort knowing that at the end of each parting is a brand-new beginning." The charities of the York Rite are among the most respected . We make feeling the rule by which to judge of every good thing. The joy of a philosophical conversation with friends far outstrips the satisfaction of accumulating material goods. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Curiosity is at the center of our capacity to learn." The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Conceding that there is much to learn is the best blueprint for discovering something new. But the Ordinary is a much harder case, the Ordinary has got itself in a bad way with us: we hardly ever notice it. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM We have more control over our outlook than we think, if we can learn to choose where to focus our energy." FL 32937: Phelan Sean E: 2014-09-16: Rite Community Cable, Inc. Paul H. Abramson, 3250 Mary Street, Suite 405, Miami, FL 33133 . "- There is a moment when a heavenly light rises over the dim world you have been so long creating and bathes it with life and beauty. It's knowing that you gave 100% and did your best work." Tampa York Rite Masonic Center 4210 W Oklahoma Avenue Tampa, FL 33616 Saturday, March 4th Breakfast and Registration 7:30 am Capitular & Cryptic Degrees begin 8:00 am Saturday, March 11th Breakfast and Registration 7:30 am Templar Orders begin 8:00 am Need a petition? Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM ", "- Only through the acceptance of the present can we begin to overcome those negative feelings and enjoy wherever life has taken us, as if it had been our preferred path all along. York Rite Masonry, which takes its name from the old English city of York, dates back 1744 in the U.K., has been described as the oldest and purest of the Rites. We should always be on the lookout for more light. Great necessities call out great virtues. The more knowledge acquired, the better understanding we have of Masonry!" Location: 149 South Orlando Avenue Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 Phone: (321) 328-7326 Mailing Address: Canaveral Lodge #339 P.O. "- As Masons, the people closest to us can tell us a lot about our own values, and its important to surround ourselves with those who bring love, support, joy, and fun into our lives." There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward. ", "- As Masons, our collective fear of straying from popular wisdom can limit forward progress for us and society at large. Instead, show others whats possible, and the world may just follow where you lead. Grand York Rite of Florida; Contact us. The York Rite is one of the appendant bodies of Freemasonry. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM, "- As Masons, we understand that a meaningful goal equates to a steep climb. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Deputy Grand Commander Annas F. Kamara. "- As Masons, we recognize two different kinds of bravery: the ability to be emotionally open and feel deeply for others, and the courage to hope for a better world amid the horrors of socialism and terrorism. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Taking a calculated risk could bring gifts we cant imagine." "- The description of shade on a warm, sunny day is a perfect metaphor for the importance of long-term thinking and investing in the future. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Honesty breeds creativity, but we must tell all truths, including the unpleasant ones. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM "- Perhaps the most universally sacred virtue, love is most valuable when it is practiced purely and with no expectation of reward." - Knight Masonry So by becoming a Knight Mason you are completing a sequence intimately related to the teaching of . Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM ", "- It is auspicious to approach any situation from a deferential, inquisitive place. Alan "Randy" Chancey | PDDIGM Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. Annual reports for all Chapters, Councils & Commanderies in Florida are now accessible to Secretary/Recorders on Google Drive. Remember, that our current situation doesnt have to control us; indeed, our outlook and mindset can change the situation, and cultivate joy even in the most difficult times." ", "- As Masons, refusing to hold grudges against even the most hostile forces, we can cultivate our characteristic resilience.
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